Transform neuroscience breakthroughs into solutions that improvehuman health, longevity, and happiness.

Transform neuroscience breakthroughs into solutions thatimprove human health, longevity, and happiness.

Ushering in a New Era of Neuroscience

Today, people are living longer and aspiring to vitality, productivity and health well into their old age. At the same time, they’re also developing diseases that didn’t affect previous generations. We now know that early detection can help manage and more effectively treat disorders in young and aging populations.

A decade of incredible research has significantly advanced our understanding of the brain.

We also have a wide range of data and tools that can be used to propel discovery and real world applications. These resources are coming online with expanded cloud capabilities to host large datasets and rapidly-evolving AI models that can process brain data and extract signals at rapid timescales. The powerful convergence of neuroscience and technology is giving us unprecedented insight into the brain and paving the way towards new frontiers in human health.

When we look to the future, we envision abundance – an abundance of wellbeing and vitality shared by everyone on the planet. Today, more than any other time in history, that future is in reach.

Liron Nunez Weissman, CEO
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In science fiction novels, authors paint dazzling pictures of the future. Yet, human existence often stays the same – people still don’t have solutions for depression, anxiety and other mental disorders. I want to change that, to ensure that the future’s technology has a positive and lasting impact not only on efficiency, and convenience, but also on the human condition.”

Liron Nunez Weissman, CEO

Propelling Breakthroughs from Lab to Life

We are inspired by the bold researchers and entrepreneurs dedicating themselves to the study of the brain and devoting their lives to the pursuit of human health, longevity, and vitality.

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At CNS, we’re committed to helping these pioneers advance their groundbreaking discoveries and co-building ventures that will ultimately improve millions of lives.

We’ve built a model for neuroscience innovation that supports and understands scientifically based companies, provides long-term funding for research, helps bridge the gap between research and market while investing in their continuous learning and innovation.

→ Meet the Team
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Propelling Breakthroughs from Lab to Life

We are inspired by the bold researchers and entrepreneurs dedicating themselves to the study of the brain and devoting their lives to the pursuit of human health, longevity, and vitality.

At CNS, we’re committed to helping these pioneers advance their groundbreaking discoveries and co-building ventures that will ultimately improve millions of lives.

We’ve built a model for neuroscience innovation that supports and understands scientifically based companies, provides long-term funding for research, helps bridge the gap between research and market while investing in their continuous learning and innovation.

→ Meet the Team

Our Model

Collaborate, fund and advance academic research

Nurture new companies founded on cutting edge research and technologies

Invest in highly innovative neuroscience driven companies

A Neurosience Driven Approach

CNS’s approach to investment and partnership stems from our single-focus on neuroscience and is informed by our deep connections with leading researchers, technologists, and industry experts in the field.

We drive expansive research and validation in order to bring transformational neuroscience discoveries to people. We understand researchers because we are researchers and science enthusiasts, interested in long-term projects that produce true breakthroughs and lasting innovations.


Science as the Basis for Life-Changing Solutions

Pioneering neuroscience research lies at the heart of everything we do. By investing in deep science and cutting-edge IP, we are laying the groundwork for true innovation and moving the entire field forward.

A Collaborative Framework for Breakthroughs

A broad approach helps us to bridge distinct worlds within science and across industry. We convene leading neuroscience researchers, visionary entrepreneurs and innovators to form strategic partnerships that spark new ideas and inspire lasting ventures.

Long-Term Impact over Short-Term Gains

We’re committed to projects for the long run, not quarters. We search the globe for like-minded researchers and entrepreneurs dedicated to creating lasting impact. Our funding horizon gives partners the runway to validate their research and build companies that will stand the test of time.

Fostering a Supportive Environment for Innovation

Researchers and entrepreneurs need a supportive environment where they can thrive. Beyond investment, our single domain focus allows us to offer invaluable guidance and networking that help accelerate projects throughout the innovation lifecycle.

Passionate About Neuroscience? You’re In Good Company!

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